The New Group of World Servers (NGWS) refers to a worldwide group of people who work for the good of all. For the most part, they are not physically associated or even aware of each other in any way. The only thread that connects them is a shared desire to “drop antagonisms and antipathies, and think in terms of the one family, the one life, and the one humanity.”

The NGWS was named as part of the spiritual principles and values shared by Alice A. Bailey from 1919 to 1949 in her 24 books of esoteric philosophy. You can view a compilation of quotations on the Lucis Trust website to read more about the New Group of World Servers, or download it as a PDF.
Here are excerpts from the compilation:
The New Group of World Servers is a functioning active group. Every man and woman in every country, who is working to heal the breaches between people, to evoke the sense of brotherhood, to foster the sense of mutual inter-relation, and who sees no racial, national or religious barriers, is a member of the New Group of World Servers, even if they have never heard of it in these terms.
The New Group of World Servers is not an organization. It has no headquarters, but only units of service throughout the world; it has no president or lists of officers; it has only servers in every country.
Members of the New Group of World Servers are gathered from all branches of human enterprise, of which organised religion is only one. There are scientists who, rejecting the unproven, yet are giving all they have of scientific ability and knowledge to the service of humanity—each in their chosen scientific field; there are people of financial stature who regard money as a responsibility to be dispensed wisely in the service of others, yet mystical or occult terminology may mean nothing to them; there are educators, preoccupied with wise formulations of knowledge and with an encyclopedic understanding of the garnered wisdom of the ages, which they seek to utilise in fitting the younger generation to live beautifully, constructively and creatively; there are religious leaders (in some one or other of the world religions) who are not constrained by the dogmas of their faith; the spirit of light is in them and they intelligently love their fellow human beings. All of these people, if they are members of the New Group of World Servers, must inevitably be reflective thinkers, must have creative objectives, must be truly intelligent, and must have added expanding love to their intelligence.
Here are a couple of Alice Bailey quotations about the NGWS:
The New Group of World Servers are of all races; they speak all languages; they embrace all religions, all sciences and philosophies. Their characteristics are synthesis, inclusiveness, intellectuality and fine mental development. They own no creed, save the creed of Brotherhood, based on the one Life. They recognize no authority, save that of their own souls, and no Master save the group they seek to serve, and humanity whom they deeply love.
They have no barriers around themselves, but are governed by a wide tolerance, and a sane mentality and sense of proportion. They look with open eyes upon the world of men and recognize those whom they can lift and to whom they can stand as the Great Ones stand, — lifting, teaching and helping. They recognize their peers and equals, and know each other when they meet, and stand shoulder to shoulder with their fellow workers in the work of salvaging humanity.
It does not matter if their terminologies differ, their interpretations of symbols and scriptures vary, or their words are few or many. They see their group members in all fields — political, scientific, religious, and economic – and give to them the sign of recognition and the hand of a brother.
(A Treatise on White Magic, p.398-401)
They are not interested in dogmas or doctrines. Their outstanding characteristic will be an individual and group freedom from a critical spirit. This non-criticism will not grow out of an inability to see error, or failure to measure up to an ideal; falsity, impurity and weakness will be recognized for what they are, but when noted will only serve to evoke a loving helpfulness.
(A Treatise on White Magic, p. 426)
Triangles Meditation is a form of group meditation which can assist one in a feeling of being connected with the New Group of World Servers.
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