
Decentralisation in mind from yourself and identification with the self in all should be your steady and practical objective.

To aid you in this, I suggest the following short meditation exercise which should be done each day at the close of your group practice. Its objective is the increase of the flow of energy to the heart centre, remembering always that the heart centre is a twelve-petalled lotus.

1. Visualisation exercise.

a. Achieve alignment as rapidly as possible.

b. Hold in the mind, imaginatively, the straight line of the spinal column, the head centre, the sutratma and the antahkarana—thus linking the centres in the body with the soul.

c. Then carry the line which your imagination has constructed, from the centre at the base of the spine to the closed lotus bud in the centre of the twelve-petalled egoic lotus.

2. Having done this, recognise your identity with all souls who constitute—in their entirety—the One Soul.

3. Then sound the OM as a soul, as far as in you lies, breathing it out from soul levels with no fixed objective in your mind. Do this six times.

4. Then sound the OM again after a pause (thus making seven in all) sending it out into the ajna centre and from there carry it down to the heart centre and hold it there for later use. Do this as a soul whose nature is love.

5. Then, bearing in mind that the heart centre is the repository of twelve forces or energies, seek to develop them by pondering upon the twelve virtues through which these energies express themselves, taking one each month for a year.

a. Group love, embracing individuals.

b. Humility, signifying your personality attitude.

c. Service, indicating your soul’s preoccupation.

d. Patience, signifying the embryonic immortality and persistence which is a soul characteristic.

e. Life, or expressed activity which is the manifestation of love because it is essential dualism.

f. Tolerance, which is the first expression of buddhic understanding.

g. Identification with others, which is embryonic fusion, carried eventually to synthesis when the head centre is developed.

h. Compassion, which is essentially the right use of the pairs of opposites.

i. Sympathy, which is the consequence of knowledge and of the unfoldment of the knowledge petals. Such energy then is in touch with the heart centre.

j. Wisdom, which is the fruit of love and indicates the awakening of the love petals of the egoic lotus.

k. Sacrifice, which is the giving of the heart’s blood or life for others.

6. After a quiet meditation on one of these qualities of soul expression as they manifest upon the physical plane, sound the OM three times.

I would remind you that these soul qualities, which express themselves through the heart centre, must be interpreted esoterically and in terms of relation. Bear this in mind and as you meditate, seek ever the inner significance and not just the assembling of thought upon these qualities. Most of the thoughts and ideas which will come to you in this connection will be well known and so purely exoteric. There are, however, secondary meanings which are of real significance to the disciple though almost unknown to the average man. Endeavour to find these.

I would ask you, my brother, as a service to the group, each month to write a short paper on these twelve qualities as expressions of soul energies, thus giving your brothers the fruit of your month’s meditation. Be of good courage and let not physical liability hinder your inner life and joy. Seek closer contact with me, your Master, and look for response.

(From Discipleship in the New Age, Vol. 2, p. 659-661)

Steven Sprung Written by:

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